Is a Credit Privacy Number (CPN) Legal or a Scam?

credit repair companies, credit specialists, Fix credit los angeles

When you’re going through some credit problems, you may feel like you need to make certain decisions out of desperation. This often gets people in trouble because they are more vulnerable to falling for scams. The best thing to do is to work with legitimate credit repair companies to look at all possible solutions and outcomes. You may have heard of a credit privacy number (CPN), and here are reasons why you should run the other way when you hear it.

Why Do People Use CPNs?

Legitimate credit specialists will not advise you to use a CPN. Essentially, a CPN is set up like a social security number, but it’s not a federal government-issued number. In terms of legalities, CPNs are in a gray area, but they are more often than not associated with criminal activity. Companies might approach you to sell a CPN to you and promise it will fix your credit in Los Angeles. You can’t apply for credit using a CPN, so there are very few advantages to having one.

Avoid Anything Sounding Like A CPN Scam

The best advice credit specialists can give you is to avoid anything to do with CPNs. In most cases, when companies reach out to you and talk about a CPN, it’s likely a scam. Always keep your radar up for red flags when people try to pose as working for legitimate credit repair companies. Some of the common warning signs include:

  • Making unreasonable promises like fixing your credit overnight
  • Offering new credit identity
  • Requiring payment before performing any services
  • Encouraging you to be dishonest about your personal information

If you feel that you have been targeted by a CPN scam, you can report the situation to the Department of Justice. You may help a fellow neighbor not be a victim by doing so.

Work With Legitimate Credit Specialists To Fix Your Credit

Desperation can make us make decisions that aren’t ideal. When you’re falling on hard financial times, find legitimate credit repair companies to work with. Sit down with credit repair specialists for a consultation to review your financial situation and go over your options. Any promises of a quick fix should be seen as a red flag, so pay close attention to your discussions. 

Core Credit Solutions has more than 25 years of experience helping people fix credit in Los Angeles. Our team of qualified experts is ready to help you dig out of your financial hole the right way, so contact us today to learn more.