5 Ways to Identify a Debt Collection Scam

Collection removal

People are desperate nowadays and look to take advantage of vulnerable people. If you’re in debt and receive a call, text, email, or letter from a supposed debt collector, be sure to have your radar up for a possible scam. The best credit repair experts can tell you what to look out for and here are some examples.

You Can’t Verify Their Information

No matter what type of correspondence you receive, always attempt to verify their information. Use the internet for this purpose by searching for the person or company. If they are a scam, you’ll most likely identify them quickly. Or if you are unable to find anything about them online, then it should raise a red flag that they might not be legitimate.

The Debt Collector Doesn’t Provide Accurate Information

Sometimes when you’re in the process of having collection removal services from your credit score, you can be vulnerable to certain correspondences. Credit reports can be confusing at times, but you should always ask the debt collector for the name of the specific creditor. Scammers will often try to make you think you have certain debts, so be sure to call them out on the inaccuracies. 

You Are Heavily Pressured

Scammers don’t want to make small talk with you. They want to make you feel like you have to pay them immediately or bad things will happen to you. If you receive intense pressure or threats like this, it’s best to take a step back and don’t give in to it. Legitimate debt collectors might be stern, but they won’t pressure you to pay immediately.

You Are Told To Pay By Wire Transfer Or By Prepaid Card

One of the most common scams credit repair experts know about is when people ask them to pay by wire transfer or prepaid card. Scammers love this technique since they can get money quickly and can’t be easily traced. Never provide this form of payment and always make sure the payment can be traced.

The Debt Collector Threatens You

Credit repair experts will also warn you to not take threats seriously. If anything, a threat against you or your family should signify a scam since it’s illegal to do so. Threatening correspondence can usually be disregarded as a result.

Core Credit Solutions provides credit report clean up services to those who need it most. You might be vulnerable to scammers if you have significant debt, but always keep your radar up so you don’t become a victim. For credit report assistance, contact us to see how we can help.