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What to do When Collections Appear on Your Credit Report

Collection removal

If any of your debts are sent to collections, you’ll know about it soon enough. Debt collectors will contact you in any way they can to get the money, which can increase your stress levels significantly. The good news is collection removal from your credit report is possible. You just need to know what steps to take, and we’ve outlined them for you here.

Understand And Validate The Debt

The top credit specialists will recommend staying calm following your first interaction with a debt collector. Take the time to research what debt has been sent to collections, and you can do so by requesting copies of your credit report. Confirm whether any errors were made and consider requesting a debt validation letter. This involves writing a letter to the debt collector asking them to validate the debt.

Dispute Any Inaccuracies Immediately

Sometimes credit specialists will find inaccuracies in credit reports. Collections might not even be yours or an account might not have been closed even though you paid the debt. When inaccuracies are discovered, it’s much easier to proceed with collection removal. Especially when you work with qualified credit specialists. The process involves writing a dispute letter to the credit bureau and if they are unable to validate the debt, then the collections must be removed from your report.

Ask For Accurate Collections To Be Removed

Collections will not automatically fall off your credit report when the debt is paid. But the collections will appear as being paid, which is much better than being open. You can consider writing a goodwill letter to have the collection removal processed. You’ll need to include the reason why you want the collections to be removed. An example would be if you’re making a major purchase soon and want the best credit score possible.

Work With Credit Specialists To Cover All Bases

The best thing anyone can do when they need collection removal processed from their credit report is to work with qualified credit specialists. They know how credit bureaus work and can guide you along the process. You can have peace of mind knowing all bases are covered and you’ll end up in the best possible situation.

Core Credit Solutions offers credit repair in Los Angeles to people who need it most. Our team will review your situation and develop a plan to improve your credit score as quickly as possible. Collection removal can be challenging to tackle on your own, so contact us today to learn about how our services can help.