Inquiries to Address Prior to Settling a Debt Collection

Collection removal

Debt collectors have standards and rules they must follow, but they don’t often adhere to them. It’s easy and natural to get intimidated by a persistent debt collector. However, when you know your basic rights, you can sometimes push back if they are out of line. You might even be able to have collection removal services eliminate certain debts from your credit report. Here are some of the inquiries you should pursue before settling a collection with a debt collector.

Confirm The Debt In Question Is Your Debt

Most credit helpers will caution you about believing everything a debt collector says. Sometimes they will be persistent in calling you about settling a debt that isn’t even yours. You should ask the debt collector to verify the debt by providing documentation or other proof that the debt belongs to you. Just be sure to make this request immediately since the time limit for making the request can expire.

Confirm The Statute Of Limitations 

There is a statute of limitations on debt collections, so if you are called about an old debt, it’s worth looking into. The statute of limitations in California is 2-4 years, but it’s advisable to reach out to credit helpers if a debt is in question. When you get into these types of legalities, working with experts is the best way to protect your rights.

Be Sure Your Rights Have Not Been Violated

Debt collectors are notorious for violating your rights in different ways. They have a certain window of time during the day that they can call, but they often call outside of this window. They also could request that you pay more than what you actually owe on a debt. This is a more severe violation and could set you up for filing a lawsuit against them.

Learn Whether The Debt Can Be Removed From Your Credit Report

Sometimes debt collectors will negotiate with you and offer collection removal from your report if you pay the debt. There are a lot of benefits to having debts removed from your credit report, so it’s a worthy option to pursue. As with anything you do with a debt collector, obtain any agreement in writing so you can hold them to it. 

Core Credit Solutions understands dealing with debt collectors offers plenty of challenges. We strive to offer the best credit repair in Los Angeles and can help you deal with the burdens of debt collectors. Our goal is to help you improve your credit in a stress-free manner, so contact us today to learn more.