What Information Should Be Reviewed on a Credit Report?

credit repair companies

When you’ve made it a point to access your credit report to review it, you might notice it’s full of a lot of information. So what exactly should you be looking at? Every piece of information on your credit report is relevant, but it doesn’t need to be reviewed in detail. Here are the top items credit repair companies suggest reviewing on your credit report.

All Personal Information

It’s tempting to skip the personal information section since there can’t possibly be mistakes there, right? Chances are you won’t find mistakes in your name or date of birth. However, credit specialists often discover typographical errors in addresses, employer names, spouse names, and other information. And one thing you should be very sure of is that there are no other names you do not recognize in this section, which could be an indicator of identity theft.


The accounts section can seem a little overwhelming at first due to its length and the vast amount of information. It’s also the section you should probably spend the most time on. It will include information about every financial account you have opened recently. Most accounts that have been closed for more than ten years should not appear on the report, though. Common errors in this section include delinquent accounts that should not be present, inaccurate histories, missing information, and more.

Public Records

Public records include information that’s available to the public. Most of the time, this will include details about any lawsuits or bankruptcies you’ve been involved in. Chapter 13 bankruptcy should remain on your credit report for seven years and Chapter 7 bankruptcy stays on for ten years. If these time limits have been exceeded, you can dispute them. 


There are two types of inquiries credit repair companies look at: soft and hard inquiries. Soft inquiries aren’t much of a concern and don’t impact your score. Hard inquiries should be looked at closely since your score can be impacted. These are usually made by lenders after applying for credit and can remain on your credit report for two years.

If you need any help reviewing your credit reports, Core Credit Solutions is here to help. We have provided credit score repair services for more than 25 years and can help ensure your reports are accurate. Our credit specialists will work with you to identify any incorrect information on your report and suggest ways to improve your credit score. To learn more about our services and how we can help your financial situation, contact us today to learn more.