The Impact of Loan Borrowing on Your Credit Score

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Most people will have to take out a loan at some point in their lives. Whether it’s buying a car, a home, taking out student loans, or any other type of loan, it’s critical to understand the impact of your credit score. The best credit helpers can help you make sense of your loan’s impact as it relates to your credit score. While applying for a loan can put a blemish on your credit score, it’s not always as bad as some people think. Here are some important concepts to consider.

Be Careful With Making Multiple Loan Inquiries

The top credit helpers will suggest being conscious of the number of loan applications you fill out. Every time you fill out an application, your credit report is hit with an inquiry that can lower your score slightly. With multiple inquiries, it could be an indicator that you’re tight on money and you could be taking on more debt than you can repay. Even if this isn’t true, you don’t want your credit score to be damaged because of it.

Experts in credit repair in Los Angeles recommend making multiple inquiries in a short amount of time to reduce the negative impact on your credit score. You are typically given a window of a few weeks or more to make loan inquiries if you are shopping for a new home, car, or other major purchase.

Make Timely Payments To Avoid Damaging Your Credit Score

Your payment history makes up 35% of your credit score, so making timely payments is essential to maintaining a positive score. One missed loan payment can lead to other missed payments, which will be detrimental to your credit score. The best way to fix your credit score fast is to make timely payments in full. This will keep the red flags away from your account so you can keep your purchasing power in the future.

Loan Balances And Debt-To-Income Ratios

Credit helpers recommend paying off your loan consistently to expand the gap between your loan balance and the original amount of the loan. Your debt-to-income ratio isn’t a factor in your credit score, but lenders strongly consider it when offering interest rates. If the ratio is not favorable, they could deny your loan application. 

Core Credit Solutions offers credit repair in Los Angeles for anyone who is struggling. We strive to fix your credit score fast, but it’s important to note that the process cannot occur overnight. We are here to help in any way we can, so contact us today to learn more about our process.